Beef karahi recipe


Across the wide spectrum of South Asian cuisine, there are few dishes that awaken the heart quite like beef karahi. With its deep-rooted history and different flavors, this delicious and fragrant dish has become the symbol of the best dishes of the region. Join us on a culinary tour as we explore the history behind beef karahi, share personal anecdotes that highlight its cultural significance, and finally present a comprehensive recipe that encapsulates the essence of this iconic dish.


Karahi Gosht The origin of beef can be traced to the Indian subcontinent, where the art of slowly cooking meat in a wide-mouthed bowl-shaped vessel called "karahi" has been a tradition for a century. . This dish is highly appreciated in the cuisine of the Pashtun and Punjabi regions, where the combination of beef, aromatic spices and slow cooking creates a unique combination of flavors. Over time, Karahi Gosht beef has crossed borders and delighted the taste buds of food lovers around the world. Its popularity reflects the global demand for quality products and delicious dishes that carry the rich cultural history of their places of origin.

My Story:

In every kitchen there is a personal connection with food; A narrative and food woven into the fabric of family tradition. Karahi Gosht Beef has a special place in my heart and its aroma creates a lasting bond with family gatherings and celebrations. This is a celebration of the personal stories that unfold around the table, where beef Karahi Gosht is more than just a dish; It becomes a tool to share memories and precious moments.


Enjoy cooking as we uncover the secrets of preparing the perfect beef karahi god in your kitchen. Designed to capture the essence of tradition and innovation, this recipe promises to transport your mind into the heart of South Asian cuisine.

Beef Karahi Gosht Recipe


1 kg beef, cut into small pieces

2 large tomatoes, chopped

3-4 Thai chili, chopped

1 inch fresh ginger, minced

br fresh coriander, chopped (for garnish)

cooking oil

salt to taste


1. Marinate the meat:

In a bowl, marinate the beef with salt, making sure each piece of beef is coated with salt. Let sit for at least 30 minutes for the flavors to penetrate the meat.

2. Prepare the karahi:

Heat a generous amount of cooking oil in a wide mouth karahi or wok over medium heat. The size of the area ensures even cooking and flavor infusion.

3.  Fry the meat: 

Add the marinated beef to the hot oil and fry until golden brown. This step seals in the juices, making the dish juicier.

4. Advice Men:

Add the tomatoes and let them cook until they turn into a thick and fragrant juice. Ripe tomatoes are important in giving foods their characteristic rich flavor.

5. Add Thai Chili Peppers:

Sprinkle chopped Thai Chili Peppers into the mixture. Adjust the product according to your spice tolerance, remember that this pepper will add a pleasant taste to the dish.

6. Stewed Ginger:

Add minced ginger to dishes to add spicy heat. The ginger added the richness of the meat and tomatoes and measured out the flavor.

7. Slow Boil:

Cover the karahi and let the beef karahi simmer. The slow cooking method is important for the meat to soften and the spices to blend together.

8. Garnish with coriander:

Once the meat is tender and the flavors are blended, garnish the dish with freshly chopped coriander. This brings a new, visual perspective to the final presentation.

9. Hot service:

Your Beef Karahi Gosht is ready to taste! Serve hot with naan or steamed rice and let the spices satisfy your taste buds.


Selection of meat for making beef karahi gosht is important. Choose quality beef with the right balance of lean meat and fat. This combination adds to the overall richness of the food, providing a perfect combination of texture and flavor.


Tomato forms the basis of the sauce and gives color and flavor. Choose tomatoes and tomato juice for the best flavor. Some variations of this recipe include using tomato puree for consistency.

Thai Chili:

The spiciness of Beef Karahi Gosht can be adjusted according to personal preference. Thai chilies add a lot of heat to the dish, so adjust the amount according to your spice tolerance. For a milder version, opt for cayenne.


Fresh ginger adds a spicy taste and aromatic warmth to dishes. The chopped form is appreciated for its visual appearance and mild flavor during slow cooking. Adjust the amount according to personal preference.


With its citrus flavor, coriander serves as the perfect touch. Chopped coriander improves the visual appearance of the dish and adds freshness to the final presentation. Use it as you wish for a beautiful look.


1.  Marinating issues:  Make sure the meat is thoroughly marinated. This step allows the flavors to penetrate the meat, making the dish more flavorful and flavorful.

2. Choose the right karahi: The wide mouth karahi is perfect for this dish. Its shape makes it even easier to cook and ensures the flavors blend seamlessly.

3. Patience is a virtue: The slow cooking process is the key to the success of Beef Karahi Gosht. Patience makes the meat softer and more delicious.

4. Spices: While the simple recipe is a classic one, you may want to try other spices like cumin, coriander or garam masala to tweak the dish to your liking.

5. Main courses:  Karahi Gosht Beef goes well with naan, roti or steamed rice. Choosing a side dish can enhance your dining experience.

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